There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.


Local Sauna Place


Loyalty Rewards System App for small businesses.

With Links to the store pages on google play store and apple app store and some witty animations


Organic Cosmetics Ecommerce Store

Total set up time: 30h

(HOURS. NOT „Working hours“)


Imaginary Car Showroom with a selection of my favourite cars.

With Dynamic Sort Function and Filter

Feel free to try it out


Homepages for guitar teaching services Kitaristi Tampere and Kitaristi.Fi

SEO Rating before and after my work:

Here are their Revenue Developments:

Homepages for guitar teaching services Kitaristi Tampere and Kitaristi.Fi

SEO Rating before and after my work:

Here are their Revenue Developments:

Homepage for a local Sentenced Tribute Band I may or may not be part of.

Check the sliding newsletter wiget on the right side and the transparent effect of the menu at the top when scrolling

SEO Rating before and after my work... Up by 14 %